It’s time for a Karma “reshuffle”. NB: if you’re reading this with no idea what Karma is, here’s what you need to know. After soliciting user feedback on Karma given for leaving comments, as well as private feedback we’ve received, it’s clear we should rebalance Karma a bit to encourage as much constructive activity as possible. So, in short, the Karma values for the following actions are changing:
Increase in Karma for:
- Submitting a competition
- Getting that competition to the “published section” (i.e. the front page)
- Voting on a competition
- Voting on a comment
Decrease in Karma for:
- Commenting (note: you still do get Karma for commenting)
Karma the same for:
- Logging in each day
Note: the overall amount of Karma available for all actions has gone up in total! Remember, just like competitions, if there are comments that deserve attention (or don’t deserve attention), you can vote on them (and get Karma)!
So, good decision? Let us know below.