We’ve flipped the switch! As of now, submissions will now arrive by default in the Upcoming section. They will require 3 votes in a 24hr period to reach the Published section (the front page).
Don’t forget to regularly check the Upcoming section for new competitions to vote on!
We’ve talked a lot before about why this is happening, but as a quick reminder, your submissions now earn extra Karma if they hit the Published section, so make ‘em good!
We’ve also launched buttons, that site owners (or indeed anyone) can instantly generate to embed in their sites (or anywhere). These buttons (if you’re familiar with Tweet/Like/+1 buttons, they’re effectively just like that) allow visitors on an external site to vote on Competition Hunter competitions. You can find them on the toolbar, under “Buttons”. We’ve embedded the large and small versions below.
If it all seems a bit much and you want us to help, or want to wail at us for ruining everything, you are most welcome – contact[@]competitionhunter[.]com